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CGI and animation by the teacher:

Burger 3D Animation
I made this burger off of a gif by Victor Courtright (
The goal was to get the image to look as much like a still frame from the gif as possible. To further this I changed the camera in the Unity and Sketchfab version to be orthographic. The Gif here was rendered and animated in Unity.
You can find Victor's original piece here:
The goal was to get the image to look as much like a still frame from the gif as possible. To further this I changed the camera in the Unity and Sketchfab version to be orthographic. The Gif here was rendered and animated in Unity.
You can find Victor's original piece here:

Moaw the Cat Vacuum
An enemy character made for Checkers Great Escape. The concept was that the enemy of a rat or mouse is a cat, but of course for the wacky lab that we were making that would not simply be enough. So our concept artist strapped a cats head to a robot vacuum and called it good. I made the model for this as well as the animation. See more at:

See animation at:
A project I worked on making a spooky forest with a monster hunt occurring. I used techniques to make textures and materials in a halftone comic print style to make the scene look like it pops right out of an old comic book. While this was inspired by mid 1900s comic books the project was made fore the Epic Games Unreal Engine 4.
A project I worked on making a spooky forest with a monster hunt occurring. I used techniques to make textures and materials in a halftone comic print style to make the scene look like it pops right out of an old comic book. While this was inspired by mid 1900s comic books the project was made fore the Epic Games Unreal Engine 4.

The main character of the game I worked on and partially animated (flat form) called Checkers Great Escape. He is an abomination made of multiple animal parts and machinery put together. During the course of the game players get to transform into many different forms like strong and flat form to circumvent obstacles. I modeled him in maya and used zbrush to add muscles for strong form. He was modeled off of concepts by our concept artist who also textured and made materials for him. I also of course had some help polishing for the final in game versions! He also runs a custom physics based tail in the unreal Engine that I created. See more at :

This little robot was born of in class doodles and gained popularity from there. This is the finished version rendered in Unreal Engine 4. During this time he cam with various material options to color him as well as a creative marketing example.

Action Figure
A toy I sculpted and 3D printed to be fully poseable.
I made this burger off of a gif by Victor Courtright (
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